Test Data Management 2.0
Conversational Test Data Management Platform
Conversational Data Masking Platform
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Customer's Choice
Data Masking

Test Data Management

Data Security Platforms

Strong Performer
Dynamic Data Masking

Why users love Mage Data
“iMask has met all of our expectations”
IT Domain Manager, Security & Risk Management
Industry: Healthcare
Firm Size: 30B+ USD
I like this tool because with its secure anonymization technologies the performance and efficiency is not compromised. I like to use it because it works fast, takes a short time to run, and doesn’t use a lot of system resources. It cleans copies of our production data for testing, development, and other activities and fully eliminates unnecessary data. Our main motivation for using this solution was to achieve dynamic data masking and data protection and it never disappointed us and we are convinced that we made the right decision. iMask has perfectly met all of our expectations thus far that other tools are unable to do, we also look at a few different options, but iMask is the best.
“Artificial intelligence to uncover data in the most complex of locations”
Project Manager, Product Management
Industry: Healthcare
Firm Size: 10B-30B USD
Mage Data helps the organization to uncover the hidden sensitive data locations within the organization with Sensitive Data Discovery module. This type of discovery is unique to the application. It uses the artificial intelligence to uncover data in the most complex of locations. It also has all compliance with popular data classifications by global privacy regulations includes the GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA. An overall recommended data masking application for the company.
“Really helpful in protecting most sensitive data elements”
Decision Analyst, Data and Analytics
Industry: Healthcare
Firm Size: 1B-3B USD
iScramble is a great data masking technique that provides flexibility to encrypt data to protect it from attacks and threats. It has various anonymization techniques that help to safeguard data in non-production environments. It can source data from various applications and third party like Big Data, Hive, Oracle. It helps protect data at enterprise and database layers and help secure data on any cloud platform. This provides a complete security solution with proper masking techniques to protect data from outside attacks. Overall, it is really helpful in protecting most sensitive data elements.
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